PhD Scholar vs. Research Scholar: What Should You Call Yourself?

It might be confusing as a research student to either call yourself a PhD Scholar or a Research scholar. Assuming that you are currently involved in research, you might be wondering whether to call yourself a PhD scholar or a research scholar.

In South Asian countries such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Philippines, Nepal, Malaysia, etc. A PhD student is called as PhD scholar. Whereas in the USA, PhD students are called a Doctoral Student.

A student who is currently involved in research and is also pursuing a PhD is called a PhD scholar. A Research Scholar is someone who is currently involved in research but does not necessarily have to be a PhD student. However, a PhD student can also refer to themselves as a research scholar.

Referring to the above statement, there are several other differences that need to be known. PhD scholars and research scholars cannot be differentiated solely by comparing their education. Let’s delve into more details –

So, let’s look out for the difference between What is a research scholar? What is a PhD scholar? and What is the difference between a PhD Scholar & Research Scholar?

PhD Scholar – A PhD Scholar is someone who is pursuing a PhD degree at a university. PhD Scholar is involved in research in the field of study which will contribute to the knowledge.

Research Scholar – A Research Scholar is someone who is currently involved in single or multiple research activities at once. Research Scholar can be academic or non-academic in nature. 

PhD Research Scholar – PhD Research Scholars are admitted to the Ph.D. program and are involved in original research work. The candidate has been in research for some time and is experienced.

Difference Between PhD Scholar & Research Scholar

AspectPhD ScholarResearch Scholar
Educational BackgroundPursuing PhDBachelor, Masters or PhD (Pursued or Pursuing)
Output of ResearchThesis, Research Paper, Patents,Research Paper, Dissertation, Policy, Reports
Scope of ResearchInvolved in a Single research studyCan be involved in multiple research projects
NatureAcademicalAcademical & Non-academical
FundingNon-fundedCan be funded
Duration3-5 Years1-5 Years
Resources AvailableUniversity & InstitutionInstitution & Corporate
GuidanceFaculty & AcademiciansIndustry Professionals

1. Educational Background

When it comes to educational background and current academic status, there is not a lot of difference that can be observed. PhD scholar is somebody who is going through research and is currently pursuing a PhD program.

Although today, a PhD is considered one of the highest degrees, there is also a Post Doc. program that can be pursued after the completion of your PhD. “Post Doc. is often called as post-doctoral degree”.

Research Scholars can be involved in various aspects of research but are not limited to academics. The researcher may be conducting studies in different areas such as academics, policy making, corporate, etc. But to call yourself a research scholar, it is not necessary to pursue a PhD.

Another main difference that can be observed is – A a research scholar could be currently pursuing some kind of a graduate or master’s degree and can be involved in research.

E.g. – I used to call myself a research scholar when I was pursuing a master’s degree and was assisting my professor with his research project. But in 2013, when I started pursuing PhD, I used to call myself PhD scholar.

2. Period of Research

PhD students can call themselves Ph.D. Scholar only while pursuing the doctoral degree. An average student could complete their PhD in 3 to 5 years. While a research scholar can be involved in a graduate or master’s degree, it could be a fairly lesser term than what PhD scholar has.

If a research scholar is working on a research project, it might be for a shorter duration, after which they would need to apply for a new research project. However, if a scholar is currently employed by a company and is fully dedicated to the research projects of that company, they can continue to be called a research scholar for a longer period.

A PhD scholar works on a singular thesis which goes on for years. At the same time, a research scholar could be working on several projects in a shorter amount of time.

3. Involvement & Scope of Research

PhD scholars are very specific towards the field of study. PhD also comes with various coursework, presentations, viva, exams, workshops, etc. This scholar is also involved in conducting original research by identifying research gaps which will contribute to new knowledge in the field of study.  But, as a PhD Scholar, you are only involved in a single research study.

At the very end of completing a PhD, the scholar has generated research papers and a thesis, after which the publications will be accessible to everyone upon completion.

Research scholars can be involved in one or more research activities. The output of these activities can be in the form of research papers, policy recommendations, analyses, etc. However, after the completion of the activity/project, they don’t need to make it public.

A research scholar is not necessarily bound to conduct research exclusively in the field they studied or completed their education.

4. Funding Options

PhD scholars’ research can receive funding, but not everyone necessarily receives it. Funding can be obtained by PhD scholars if there is a specific position opened by the university in their field of study. Only then do PhD scholars receive funding. However, most scholars do receive scholarships in one way or another.

Whereas, Research Scholars can collaborate with industry or corporations to apply for research projects/positions and funding could be achieved.

5. Resources & Guidance

PhD Scholar research gets formal guidance from the PhD guides and academicians. This way, the scholar is assisted with a clear path of – How to carry out their research.  Other resources, such as access to the library, university, and institution, are also available to PhD scholars.

But, Research scholars need to collaborate with other researchers to work on their projects. The research scholar does not get a fully attentive guide to conduct the research. Most of the time there is no coursework to do which results in lesser knowledge about the research methodologies.

6. Future Career Scope

career opportunities

PhD scholars end up with a doctoral degree after the successful completion of the program. After which they can call themselves a Dr.

Several career options are available and can be opted after the doctoral degree, such as –

  1. Assistant Professor or career in academics
  2. Research Assistant
  3. Professional Career in Research
  4. Consultant
  5. Writer/Author

A research scholar has a significant scope of working both individually and as a professional. However, they also have the opportunity to pursue a career in academia. For entering academia, the primary requirement would be to have a PhD

So here are career options for Research Scholars –

  1. Analyst
  2. Mentor
  3. Consultant
  4. Policy Maker
  5. Project Manager
  6. CSR Manager

My Thoughts

You can start your research journey very early on while pursuing your undergraduate or master’s degree, collaborating with faculty members to conduct research. This is the initial step towards being involved in research and considering yourself a research scholar.

A PhD is the next degree you can pursue, formally earning a doctoral research degree. Many research scholars proceed to pursue a PhD.

If there are any other questions not addressed in this article, please mention them in the comment section, and I will be sure to respond.

Dr. Dhananjay Pingale

Dr. Dhananjay Pingale holds the position of Associate Professor and currently serves as the Head of Consultancy. With a wealth of experience, he has served as the National Technical Consultant for the International Labour Organisation (ILO, New Delhi). Additionally, Dr. Pingale has contributed his expertise as a monitoring and evaluation specialist for the State Government of Maharashtra.

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